Thursday, August 27, 2009

Real World headbands

Are these back/ever were in style? Not sure I am into the whole tribal headband across the forehead.

Other things that bother me about "The Real World: Cancun:"
*Forced lesbianism: I'm down with whatever peeps are down with, but I'm getting sick of these girls going lesbo just because they think it'll get them more TV action. Jonna went from having a serious boyfriend who she was going to marry to cheating on him with a new guy to having a threesome with a roommate. Blah.
*Pat, who was in the threesome with Jonna and Ayiia. The entire time he just kept saying "I can't believe it. This isn't real." Get over it and get in there!
*Ayiia freaking out that her "professional" parents will be mad she had a threesome. They're so unsupportive, she said. Um, I don't know any parents that would support their daughter having a threesome on national TV.
*The headbands again. I can't get on board with these.

The worst part about all of this is in about six months these kids are going to be on the "Real World/Road Rules Challenge" and have to kick it up a notch to compete with Anissa and The Miz.

1 comment:

  1. I hate those headbands too. Nobody looks cute in them. They need to stop it.
