Monday, August 17, 2009

Chachi's likes and dislikes

My cat, Chachi, is a cross between a mommy's boy and a bully. He can be meaner than a junkyard dog and sweet as an angel. I realize this is because I'm a softie when it comes to him and discipline him with smooches instead of spankings. The bright side is that I'm able to turn my male pet into these things before I turn a son into them.

So, in honor of Chach's impending unknown August/September birthday (we're both Virgos), here are some of his likes and dislikes.

*Tank tops
*Watching "the guys" (i.e. his birdies and squirrlies) outside in the morning
*His grandma
*Headquarters: a nylon blue and green tent that sits in the middle of my living room.
*Jumping up in front of the door to bat the chain lock.
*Sucking on his tail while laying next to me. I read that cats do this when they're weaned from their mother too early. It's actually kind of sad to watch.
*Watching me go to the bathroom while sitting on top of the toilet.
*Watching me take a bath from the rim of the tub.

*Any boy that comes over and pays attention to me.
*Being squirted with water when he's bad.
*When I leave for more than two hours.
*When all his toys are put neatly in the toy box. He'll take out the ones he likes and put them back where he thinks they go.
*He's kind of on the fence about my dad, who has no clue how to differentiate between how to pet a cat vs. a dog.

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