Sunday, January 17, 2010

Golden Globes LIVE blogging of the red carpet: Hour One

Chachi and I are front and center for the Golden Globes red carpet. Translation: He started out next to me on the couch, forced me to move my computer off my lap so he could lay there then bit me and got crazy eyes and is now sleeping. I'm armed with my second glass of pinot grigio and am ready to tell the world exactly what I think of celebrities I've never met. Unless Fonzie, Alfre Woodard or Cheech are invited, I'm writing about people I'll never see in the fleshness. Get ready for a series of random observations that have no relevance to anything important. I realize this and don't care.

*Why must Ryan Seacrest adopt a British accent when interviewing British celebs? Emily Blunt knows you are not from London. The jig is up.
*Is Quinton Tarantino in his PJs?
*Jennifer Morrison from "House" said her boyfriend bought her dress for her for Christmas, so she decided to wear it. She didn't seem to excited, and I can see why. Dress is uggo.
*Must. Watch. "Glee." Stars are so cute.
*Diane Kruger from "Inglorius Bastards" looks like she just got back from the prom. In 1987.
*LOVE Gabourey Sidibe from "Precious." The movie was so good but so depressing and it's so fun to see what a gregarious personality she has in real life.
*Ugh Mickey Rourke. New wife barely speaks English. Must be love.
*Sandra Bullock is the man. Even though "The Proposal" sucked. I need to see the back of her dress before I commit though. Eek, I just did. Not into sheer.
*Ugh, we get it Fergie and Josh. You're still together. He "didn't cheat on you with a stripper." Just wait until Rebecca Budig gets over her divorce from Bob the Bachelor. Then she can marry Josh just like when they were a couple on "All My Children." LEO AND GREENLEE FOREVA!
*Disappointed by January Jones. Looks like she put her headband on to wash her face.
*It's become quite cliche to say how hot George Clooney is. I don't care. I want to strip that beard off his face and rub it on me. Then we'll save Haiti together.
*Just saw Alfre Woodard. Her daughter is Miss Golden Globe. I'm legit now. I posted her pic above the symbolize the only celebrity there I've actually met.
*Moogs has just informed me via Facebook chat that George Clooney's girl has an arm tatoo. Rewind the DVR: ew yes. An awful looking tribal band.
*Official girl crush on Marion Cotillard
*First time ever I'm disappointed by the sight of Joshua Jackson. He's with the 1987 prom queen and his hair looks like Richie Rich.

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