Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Run for the Reaper

Last year I said I wanted to run a 10K before I turned 30. Well folks, the Grim Reaper appears to be edging closer so I figured it was time to get on it. I am officially signed up for the Huntley Youth Sports Organization Run for the Sun on June 12.

I started running 5K races last year and really enjoy it. I love the camaraderie of my fellow runners, the adrenaline I get in a race environment and the goodie bag swag. But I really never thought I’d be able to get over the 4-mile hump. That’s the most I had run on my own and a 10K did not seem within my reach.

A couple weeks ago, I decided I wanted to try taking it up a notch. I ended up running 4.67 miles, and I was very proud of myself. After that accomplishment, I figured another 1.5 miles was doable.

Before I signed up, I wanted to make sure I could clear more than 5 miles. If I didn’t die at the end of it, I was going to devote my sweat to a 10K. So my friend and I took off on a gloomy Saturday and did 5.5 miles. And we didn’t die.

So there you have it. Come June 12, I won’t be driving to Huntley for the outlet mall but to torture myself by running 6.2 miles. At least I’ll have my home girls Adrienne and Erin to commiserate with.


  1. YES! So excited for you! Today was like I was reading a running blog.


  2. Whooooo!! So proud of you, Pretty Lady. Kick ass!
